Manifest with the Moon Toolbox
Manifest with the Moon Toolbox
The perfect comprehensive toolbox for moon lovers of every variety:
- New to moon cycle manifestation
- Intrigued and ready to dabble in magick
- Serious selenophiles looking for a special moon kit to enhance your practice
These earthbound, wild-crafted tools connect you to ancestral wisdom and help guide you toward energetic manifestation.
We removed the guesswork for you. The items provided represent moon energy and each element to ensure your altar space is protected, charged, balanced and ready for magick.
- Moon
- Fire
- Earth
- Air
- Water
Protect and nurture yourself ~ you deserve it!
Sacred items included:
- Cherry Wood Toolbox - EARTH - This limited Edition felt lined toolbox makes a great place to store your favorite tools. Can also be used as a traveling altar.
- Candle - FIRE - Non-GMO aromatherapy soy wax meditation candle is made with a delightful blend of essential oils. The perfect size to manifest through each moon phase. Quiet a busy mind and transitioning into a meditative state.
- Soul Spray – AIR - An ancient recipe for this essential oil mist. Varies monthly but feel free to request your favorite. (View all Soul Spray options). Safe to use on skin and clothes.
- Sage Stick – AIR - Burning sage (referred to as “smudging”) clears you, your space, your loved ones, and even your pets of stagnant and lower-vibrating energies.
- Abalone Shell – WATER AND EARTH - This smudge bowl holds your sage in between and during uses.
- Bell – AIR - A great tool to “bookend” your meditation practice, utilizing sound to establish a clear starting and ending point.
- Key – EARTH - This charm is a great addition to any altar space, as it signifies your willingness to open a new door. The metal key charges your intentions.
- Crystal - EARTH - This large stone becomes a centerpiece and grounding tool that effectively amplifies and charges your intentions.
- Selenite Wand - EARTH AND MOON - Named from the Greek full moon goddess, this wand grants love and vision on full moons.
- Manifest with the Moon Workshop - Free key to experience this virtual 30-minute course. Provides a foundation for understanding moon cycles and ways to incorporate your intentions with the moon's energy. Complete the workshop on your own time. Free key link is shared via email upon purchase.
- Lunar Notes - A complete workbook for each major moon phase for you to use over and again each month. Pdf download inside the Manifest with the Moon Workshop. Example in photos.
All products are acquired from sustainable sources for longevity and love of Mother Earth.
Arrival Info
Video and pdf arrive in your inbox, using email you supply during purchase.
This is a custom reading, created specifically for you. Please allow 7-10 days max.
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